This blog documents the modifications necessary to get seaworthy (warts and all), then the adventures (hopefully) on board our Trailer Sailer 6.1 metre Jarcat6 Catamaran, Kismet.

Thursday, 8 August 2019

Flip Up Tables

I had searched long and hard and ended up on eBay buying four Stainless Steel flip-up table brackets. You're not always sure what you will get but when they arrived they were perfect.
The tables are made of 6mm ply. Both are 500mm wide. One is 430mm deep and the other 380mm. This allows for the tapering hull distance when sitting on the "bed".

I had to special order some picture frame trim to hide the edges of the ply. I didn't take pics of clamping the trim but it was a challenge. I then glued 30 x 8mm rounded trim to the undersides at exactly 400mm centres (to match the vertical supports on the boat).

Three coats of Marine Varnish. Four on the top.

Then the brackets were screwed on (after checking with the supports on the boat and allowing about 3mm spacing outward from them.).

Get the boat level with the waterline, level the tables and screw the brackets on. Final product.

And flipped up (with 12V faucet placed in position for checking).

The tables are easily released by reaching underneath on both sides and pressing the release while slightly lifting.

Room underneath for wash bowls. The left hand one is for a larger round bowl that fits nicely (temporarily shown with Silicone jug). There is now a bungee cord that holds the tables firmly when travelling.

The front lower shelf is designed to fit these Decor containers. (Many other fit the same place.)
See also the 12V fresh water pump. A bungee cord (not shown) runs 130mm above the shelf to hold the containers in place.

So far, so good...

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